There are 3 parts on wine tasting you can practice to be expert in wine tasting.
~ Colors and Intensity: Identify the wine’s most prominent color as a point of reference.
~Tears/ legs: When you swirl the wine, you will see tears develop on the sides of the glass.
~ Intensity: Position the glass just below your nose and take a quick, light whiff to judge the intensity.
~Fruit: Identify the type of fruit and also the condition of the fruit
~Herb: Some wines are distinctly more savory and have notes of herbs, flowers, and even minerals.
~Sweetness: Sweetness in wine is primarily from grape sugars that are leftover after fermentation
~Acidity: Low acid wines generally taste round or even flabby, and high acid wines taste lighter in body and very tart
~Alcohol: Alcohol is felt in your throat as a warming sensation
4. Think / Conclude
Develop a complete profile of a wine that can be stored in your long term memory. Did the wine taste balanced or out of balance (i.e. too acidic, too alcoholic, too tannic)? Did you like the wine? Was this wine unique or unmemorable? Were there any characteristics that shined through and impressed you?op a complete profile of a wine that can be stored in your long term memory.