The Witcher: Blood Origin is an upcoming fantasy miniseries created by Declan de Barra and Lauren Schmidt Hissrich adapted from The Witcher book series by Andrzej Sapkowski. It will serve as a prequel to the Netflix television series. The series will premiere on 25 December 2022 and will consist of four episodes.
Set 1,200 years before the events of The Witcher television series, Blood Origin will depict the creation of the first Witcher, as well as the events leading to the "Conjunction of the Spheres". It will also explore the ancient Elven civilization before its demise.
The most recently confirmed member of the cast is Minnie Driver. The actress will be the voice over narrator of a character within Witcher universe who will actually make an appearance in season three of The Witcher too.
Undoubtedly the most notable cast member is the legend that is Michelle Yeoh, who stars as the protagonist elf, Scian, and she's joined by Sophia Brown and Laurance O'Fuarain in their roles as Éile and Fjall. Fans of UK comedy TV shows will immediately recognise Lenny Henry on the list, as well as Black Books star Dylan Moran. There are of course others in the epic series cast as well.